rat control mice control

Roof Rats

Introducing "Rattus"

The Genus species of roof rat is Rattus. Roof rats are also known as ship rat or black rat. The kingdom of the roof rats is Animalia and their color are black and they have long tail of nearly 6 to 8 inches. Roof rats like to eat vegetables, pet food, grain, nuts, berries, fruits, grains, rotten food and snails. Roof rats are known as roof rats because they are tremendous climbers and they use to live on top of the buildings such as in attic or on roof. They also used to live in garages, unused boxes, under floors, sheds, or in thick grass. Roof rat normally lives 90 percent of their life above the ground. Roof rat’s vision is very poor and even they are color blind too, but their sense of smell, taste, touch and hearing is very strong. Roof rats entered from ground level of any building. These rats produce 6 to 12 babies in one time and 4 to 6 times in a year. Pregnancy period of these rats are only for 21 to 23 days and they start breeding when they are three months older. Total age of these rats is 12-18 months only.


Roof rats produce their baby in their nests such as in attic or in some sheds which they feel the safest place of the house. Their babies are hairless and tiny, their eyes are sealed closed which open within two weeks of nursing. When they became three months old then they start their reproduction. Rats life cycle is too short but they produce more than 40 babies are born by one female roof rat. Roof rats are actually very shy whenever they found something new in their area they avoid to be in contact with them for days until they become familiar with them that it will not make them any harm. Rats never change their path because when they come to know that the path on which he is moving is safe. Although their eyesight are not good but they leave strong odor which tells them where they have to run. They also leave urine marks and they follow the scents which are known to them.


Roof rat carries several diseases from years such as: Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome which is also known as HPS. It is a dangerous disease which transmits from rat’s droppings, saliva and urine. Murine Typhus is transmitted to human from rat fleas. Travelers who visit to humid tropical countries can be infected by this disease because these rats can be found their always. Rat bite fever which is also called RBF is a bacterial illness which is sourced by Streptobacillus moniliformis that can be entered through bite or scratch in human from rat. Or it may also harm by eating or drinking food or water which is been tasted by some rats. Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium causes diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and abdominal cramps which may affect them for 7 to 8 days. Leptospirosis disease affects humans and animals through bacteria. Symptoms of this disease are severe headache, vomiting, jaundice, red eyes, diarrhea, abdominal pain, muscle aches and chills. If disease stays long then the infected one may die due to liver failure, meningitis or by kidney damage. Eosinophilic Meningitis infected the brain in which the number of eosinophilis is increase and the white blood cells are infected by this worm.


To get rid of these rats, the first step what you have to do is make sure they can't get in your house. They may enter from any where if you leave a single hole in your house then it means that you are inviting a rat to be your guest. If there are any gapping or holes then fill it with steel plating and mesh because rats can’t chew the steel. Now if you want to remove rats then use trap in attic or where you found that rats are normally move. It is also important to remove rat from the trap safely if it is alive. The keyword to save your house from rats are clean your house from rat foods, because if they don’t have food in your house then they won’t like to live with you.

Peter Gryzunichu
Rat Extermination for Beginners
mice control rat control